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Home Study with LIVE etherical Reiki distant attunement £80
Andromedan Reiki is at another off world healing which many times more powerful then the traditional Dr Usui Reiki, therefore only Master healers can be attuned to it. Andromedan Reiki is different in that it vibrates at a higher frequency then slowly withdraws. The main benefit of the astral light of Andromeda, derives from the Starseed and unique love that transcends the planes of the universe, where space and time is never ending.
The Andromedans are a loving and compassionate race, who use their knowledge to create peace and love wherever they visit. The Andromedans are real sentient off planet beings who are very loving and advanced spiritual beings. It is believed they are 45,000 years ahead of us in technology, science and spiritual evaluation. Egyptian hieroglyphs indicate that the Egyptians were aware of their existence and so were the ancient Hindu deities in India.
The Adromedans ancestors come from many off-world humanoids, so they are classed as half human and half Divine beings. They emit an extremely high vibrational frequency, which until now have found it extremely difficult to remain on earth, with our dense energy for long periods. With the earth 2012 attunement is has now made it more comfortable where the Adromedans can be present for longer periods.
Their healing uses the vibrational energy of love and works on the Higher Self or soul of the individual. The healing as you will discover is very powerful, which means only Reiki masters are able to receive their attunement.

The Andromedan Reiki healing works mostly on the soul level. It will begin internally and start on the Soul and then work its way outwards to other part of the client. Its main purpose is treating the Higher Self and soul by going deep to any trauma and karmic problems. The Andromedan Reiki heals the suffering from the memory of recorded experiences throughout time and space. It works throughout the dimensional planes of the consciousness and through the different levels of the existence. It is so powerful that it penetrates and heals on the cellular level of the soul & Higher Self.
The benefits of the effects of Andromedan Reiki are that with healing the Higher Self, the individuals mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing will also be healed.
The higher frequency dissolves and dissipates any heavy dark energy, it heals by sonar pulses & the power of Divine Universal love. Andromedan Reiki energy, harmonizes the seven virtues of love:
❖ balance
❖ devotion
❖ purity
❖ support
❖ passion
❖ admiration
❖ farsightedness.

Andromedan Starseeds
There are fewer Andromedan souls incarnated on Earth than from other star groups. It is believed there are 1 in every 10.000 humans currently residing here on Earth who have an Andromedan origin soul. Which means almost all humans have ancestry soul DNA of one of the star group of Aliens. Some people even have more than one Star relative in their DNA!
These Andromedan starseeds usually live understated lives, blending in with the human race. This means that some people do not realise how spiritually advanced they are. Their Andromedan energy was dormant as it waits for the human to mature. They will have the maturity of the soul but not of the human – this is why there has been a sudden influx of spiritual healers and mediums. With 2012 all of them have been awakened with the energy shift activating their dormant energy.
Option A – Home Study £80
Home study – students receive manual via email.
Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student to receive live.
Qualification certificate emails after attunement
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Option B – Virtual class (approx. 3hrs) £160
Virtual courses are live with tutor.
Manual emailed prior to course so student can prepare for class.
Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student to receive live.
Qualification certificate emails after attunement.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Course includes: full colour 2 part manual, practical & theory Andromedan Master Reiki Level 3 certificate.