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Home Study with LIVE etherical
Reiki distant attunement £80
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Working with Knights Templar spiritual Healing Guides
Golden Chalice Reiki
Working with the White brotherhood, noble knight spirit guides & loyal spirit guides from past lives. Healing with Golden Chalice Reiki increases confidence, self-belief, self-worth & faith in Universal intervention. Golden chalice Reiki works on solar plexus, heart, and ascension chakras. Healing penetrates deep into soul to increase hope, faith, abundance, and reward. Bad deeds repaid with love & truth. Golden chalice helps stubbornness in healing the mind and soul so release blockages in physical body. Reiki Symbols, hope, faith, justice, insight, harmony, balance and trust.
The Golden Chalice energy is very strong and until now lightworkers were not ready to channel its energy. The Golden Chalice vibrational energy is a Universal energy which originated from the combined spiritual energies of Venus and Saturn. The earth and all the planets in our Solar system exchanged their energy when they came into alignment. The earth with her other fellow planets became as one when they all joined together with their magnetic and spiritual energy converging as one mass. The White Brotherhood have waited patiently for the earth to receive her attunement so then even more powerful spiritual energy would be available.
The White Brotherhood and the Universal Lords have been recruiting spiritual souls to be guardians of the Golden chalice energy. These souls consist of both earth souls in solid body and light beings in the Higher Realms. The Guardian souls are usually paired off with a lightworker and one or more souls in the spiritual realms, which are mostly the lightworkers spirit guides. Lightworkers that are chosen are ones who are active in their work, have Pleadian life guides and often working with crystals, especially with the Lemurian crystals being activated in the summer of 2013. Lightworkers with their chosen spiritual guides will then be trained and instructed on the power of the Golden Chalice in the lightworkers dreams. Source has a responsibility to ensure mankind does not become egoistic and ‘power crazy’ by repeating what happened with Atlantis. So the White brotherhood and the Universal Lords are ensuring the Golden Chalice power is respected and used with love.
Option A – Home Study £80
Home study – students receive manual via email.
Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student to receive live.
Qualification certificate emails after attunement
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Option B – Virtual class (approx. 3hrs) £160
Virtual courses are live with tutor.
Manual emailed prior to course so student can prepare for class.
Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student to receive live.
Qualification certificate emails after attunement.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Course includes: full colour 2 part manual, practical & theory Golden Chalice Master Reiki Level 3 certificate.
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