REIKI self healing -LEVEL 1
Option A – Home Study £100
Home study – students receive manual via email.
Attunement scheduled at a time to receive live.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement.
Video explaining Reiki course format, including tips and suggestions on your reiki journey.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Option B – Virtual class (approx. 3hrs) £150
Virtual courses are live with tutor.
Manual emailed prior to course so student can prepare for class.
Attunement scheduled at a time to receive live.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
​ Option C – In person (approx. 3hrs) £200
Practical & theory in person
Hard Copy Manual.
Reiki Attunement in person.
Paper Qualification certificate.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.

Dr Usui
Dr Mikao Usui was a principle of a Christian seminary in Kyoto in Japan. One day some of his pupils asked what happened to the healing method Jesus used and would he be able to carry out this healing method for them. Because he did not know the answer he decided to give up his position and learn more about Christianity and travel to America. He could not find any answers so he then travelled to North Indian. Dr Usui was fluent in Japanese, Chinese and English and he understood Sanskrit. He later returned to Japan where he discovered some Sanskrit symbols in old Buddhist Sutras.
In 1870s he decided to set off to the holy mountain of Kurlyama and fast and meditate for 21 days in the hope he may get some answers. Every day he placed a pebble in front of him to remind him how many days he had been there. On the dawn of the last day he saw a shining light moving towards him with fast speed, the light then hit him with such force he thought he was going to die. He saw the colours of the rainbow (chakra colours) and Sanskrit symbols in front of him, he then said “I remember”.
Afterwards he felt full of strength and started to walk down the mountain, where he stubbed his toe and it started to bleed, he placed his hands on the toe and the healing stopped (the first miracle). He then stopped at an Inn and had a large meal, which the Inn keeper advised him not to after fasting for so long, Dr Usui suffered no affects (this the second miracle). The Inn keeper’s granddaughter had bad toothache and Dr Usui asked if he could place a hand on her cheek, the pain ceased immediately (the third miracle).
Dr Usui returned to his monastery and wanted to visit the beggars in the slums of Kyoto. He spent 7 years in the asylum treating many illnesses.
WORLDWIDE Virtual courses via Zoom or in person UK residents (Covid restrictions)
Reiki Principles
Just for today do not worry
Just for today do not anger
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living thing
What is Reiki healing?
Reiki which is pronounced Ray-Key, Rei meaning Universal and Ki meaning life force. Traditional Reiki was re-discovered by Dr Usui in Japan in the early 1900s. The healing Reiki energy is channelled through the Reiki Practitioner which is then released through the hands into the person who requires healing. The Reiki practitioner undergoes intensive training and self-healing to prepare them to give healing to others. Reiki energy is a complimentary healing energy, which does not replace or competes with medical treatment.
How can Reiki help?
All conditions are helped with Reiki healing as it works on removing blockages and negative energy on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The Reiki healing helps people who suffer with Stress, IBS, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, bad backs, aches and pains, low self-esteem and so much more.
Who are Reiki healers?
Any person can be trained and attuned to Reiki if they are open to healing themselves first. To become a Reiki practitioner healer, you will need to first be attuned to level one Reiki and undergo 3 weeks self-healing; before receiving the Reiki Attunement to level 2. The ability to heal others entails intensive training, insurance, case studies and confidence in their ability to give healing to others.
What is a Reiki Attunement?
The attunement is where Reiki symbols are passed on to the student in an initiation ceremony by the Reiki master Teacher. The Reiki Master teachers each have their own lineage from their teacher all the way back to the origins of the Sanskrit Sutras and Dr Usui.
The Reiki symbols which each student is given have certain tasks which can be used to cleanse, protect, and heal. There is even a symbol which is used to send distant healing to a person, animal, or situation in the past, present and future around the world, space and time.
Self Healing for 21 days
Level One - Reiki first degree Qualification
Healers start with level one so they are able to remove old emotions which are preventing them from going forward. Reiki one is very special in that the person will find their true self and no longer live in the past. Reiki first degree is for healing on you to remove negative emotions in preparation to doing healing on others.
Course Content:
· You will receive a full colour illustrated Reiki Manual
· Understanding Reiki healing
· How Dr Usui Rediscovered Reiki and why
· Reiki principles and what they mean
· Earth Spiritual Evolution
· Learn to meditate and why it is important
· Meet your Reiki Healing spirit guide.
· Colour energy and their purpose
· Sensing different Reiki types
· Sensing healing on damaged or blocked chakras
· Relaxing and grounding energy to stabilise healing
· The healer protecting your own energy
· Importance of disconnection and reclaiming energy
· Ensuring a comfortable and safe healing environment
· Attunements to Reiki first degree.
· Invoke and work with the Reiki power symbol
· Practical hands on self-healing techniques.
· You will be given an illustrated self-healing demonstration sequence.
· Preparation for Reiki second degree practitioner level 2.
· Students will be awarded a Reiki first degree certificate qualification.
· All students will have on-going support and mentorship by me.
Option A – Home Study £100
Home study – students receive manual via email.
Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student to receive live.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement
Video explaining Reiki course format, including tips and suggestions
on your reiki journey.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Option B – Virtual class (approx. 3hrs) £150
Virtual courses are live with tutor.
Manual emailed prior to course so student can prepare for class.
Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student to receive live.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
​ Option C – In person (approx. 3hrs) £200
Practical & theory in person
Hard Copy Manual.
Reiki Attunement in person.
Paper Qualification certificate.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.