Worldwide Zoom Virtual
Mature Spiritual Students
20 sessions at £20 per session
classes held monthly at a date to suit you
Ascension is a soul’s life’s experiences, roles & their oath to complete their existence within the physical & etheric plains. A soul’s purpose is to evolve into a mature being whether it is as an angel into an Archangel, an animal into a Unicorn or a human into an Ascended Master. Ascension is to return to Source, God as a pure being with spiritual & physical maturity.
These workshops include a variety of subjects which I believe will help the student become as one with their Higher Self and hopefully help the individual mature sooner. Each workshop will include practical and theory sessions which are open to discussion so we learn from each other. Many of the subjects will be new to each of you and they will include additional information which will benefit you spiritually and humanly.

Each time the soul returns to the Higher Realms after leaving the human plain (death) they will have to go before the Lords of Karma to explain and be judged on their actions of the life.
The Lords of Karma have to be consulted prior to a soul returning to earth, this is partly due to their being not enough human bodies for all the souls wishing to continue their education in a human body. The other reason is the soul will have to state what lessons they wish to learn if they are given a human body and also what they will teach others. Everyone is learning from each other, by the actions, words and deeds they do.
The soul will have to have a period where they learn negative and bad deeds. This may mean they are a murderer and by them volunteering to have a lifetime of hatred they teach others compassion and an understanding of how to not live a life. In times of war and trauma, people join together to support each other. If there was never any bad deed or wrong doing, then our human race would become naive and we would not grow in our knowledge of how to be a light being. When the soul has reached enlightenment and has no further lessons to learn the Lords of Karma may invite them to be an Ascended Master.
The Lords of Karma are the record keepers of the Akashic records and they keep information on all of the life times of everyone who has been on earth.

Life records
Each time the soul returns to the Higher Realms after leaving the human plain (death) they will have to go before the Lords of Karma to explain and be judged on their actions of the life.
The Lords of Karma are the record keepers of the Akashic records and they keep information on all of the life times of everyone who has been on earth.
The Akashic records (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") are collectively understood to be a collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the aether; i.e. on a non-physical plane of existence.
The Akasha is said to be the library of all events and responses we encounter in all our lifetimes on the earth plain. The records record our responses, both physical and emotional, for example our kindness, selfishness, compassion, guilt, sadness and love.
Everyone is held to accountable when they die and 'confronted' with their personal Akashic record of what they have or have not done in that life.
The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before.
Soul Journey
The aborigines believe our time on earth is our dream state and when we die, we are awakened and return to the ‘real’ world. I can relate to this as our soul is only temporarily in our human body, we spend most of our existence as a soul up in the Higher Realms. Another reason I believe that the aborigines have a basis for truth is that our soul goes on journeys in our sleep when we dream. Our dreams are where our soul is able to communicate with all other souls, ones that are in an earth body and ones passed over.
In our dreams we can talk and interact with everyone, our guides and souls of our relatives, friends and family. Lightworkers can manipulate and alter their dream experiences by learning logic, we can manifest anything. Your guides will manifest a situation where you are tested, for example where you may be tempted to steal; most of your dreams will have a lesson in them. Your guides will create a situation where you will be tested in your ability to reason in your dream state and for you to learn to use logic in your dreams. In the spirit world there is no logic, and this is a learnt behaviour and in our ‘awake’ state of mind, intuition and psychic senses must be developed.

Course includes
Classes held monthly via live Zoom link.
Email course notes for each of the 10 classes.​
Course Certificate awarded on completion of course
Session one
Earth Physical & spiritual plain
Earth Etheric energies
Importance of dreams
Life lessons
Meeting Source
Session two
White Brotherhood
Lords of Karma
Akashic records
Universal Lords
Ascended Master
Spiritual numbers
Geometric symbols
Power of seven
Session three
Spiritual guards
Mischievous Checkers
Rescue work in dreams
Underworld creatures
Negative spirits
Dark Portal protection
Session four
Psychic defence
White light protection items
Protective roles
Seeker, protector, gatherer & watcher
Dream defence dark spirit
Crown chakra portal
Session 5
Important soul work
Walk ins
Guides life lessons
Friends & family soul karma
House clearing
Anchor protective shield
Session 6
Space ships
Commander Ashtar
Astral travel
Third dimension
Our Universe
Other worlds
Pleadians relationships
Spiritual civilisation Mayans, Aztecs, Incas
Session 7
Pleidians & amphibians
Dogon Tribe
Peruvian skulls,
Egyptian spiritual beliefs
Priest & Priestess of Egypt
New & Old Ascended Masters
Ascended master channelling
Session 8
Nazca Lines of Peru
Reptilian & Gargoyle card energy
Auric rupture repair
Psychic vampires
Vogal wands
Mandala meditation.
Session 9
Runes usages & meanings
Runes practical
Dowsing rods
Practical dowsing rods
Elemental fairies
Earth gnomes
Fire salamanders
Air & water nymphs
Working with the elementals.
Session 10
Earth energy lay lines
Spiritual & earthly purpose
Incarnated angelic soul
Wise one & star people
Mystic star
Spiritual knights
Leprechaun & Merperson