Advanced healing treatments
Applicants must have completed Crystal level one course.
Learn advanced crystal healing techniques, auric grids, and body balancing with wands. Sectional energy, crystal formation layouts. Joining, grouping, pairing crystals. Lay line protection. Feng shui & crystals. Energy in rooms, cleanse negative corners, doorways, fireplace. Block negative environmental & human energy, universal energy. Cosmic travel with crystals. Pleadian, Atlantis, Orion, Neptune crystal energy. Soul and physical body healing. Chakra karmic imprint healing. Regulate over active chakra, positive karmic imprint energy techniques. Karmic problem soul trauma areas. Healing crystal & sound, heal physical and soul energy. Access Higher self, Guardian angel and gate keeper energy. Strengthen positive etheric cords, Aura Re-alignment. Crystals for garden, plants, animals & children. Crystal favourites of the Archangel & Angels, animal power guide. Unicorn wands. Combine crystals with Reiki and other forms of healing. Advanced lightworker Akashic records, Crystal skulls healing & meditation. Crystal altar, crystals for earth, wind, air & fire. Crystal clusters & Geodes.
Course includes:
. Receive a full colour illustrated Crystal Manual
· Practical crystal healing demonstrations on each session
. Advanced intuitive crystal healing techniques
. Body alignment & auric shield enhancement
. Wand negativity removal
. Healing with pendulum pair
. Higher self energy field healing
. Advanced higher vibrational crystals
. Advanced dark entity removal with crystals
. Healing with crystal skulls
. Past life karmic healing
. Meteorite higher vibrational crystals
. Advanced Therapist healing illustration cards
· Advanced Diploma Holistic Crystal therapy certificate qualification
· All students will have on-going life time support and mentor-ship by me.
Students will be required to do treatment plans, home study & practical assessment.
Credited by BGI Insurance