REIKI MASTER - level 3
Option A – Home Study £150
Home study – students receive manual via email.
LIVE Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement
Video on explaining Reiki course format, including tips and
suggestions on your reiki journey.
Video healing demonstration on others.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Option B – Virtual class (approx. 3hrs) £200
Virtual courses are live with tutor.
Manual emailed prior to course so student can prepare for class.
LIVE Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
​ Option C – In person (approx. 3hrs) £300
Practical & theory in person
Hard Copy Manual.
Reiki Attunement in person.
Paper Qualification certificate.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.

What is a Reiki Master Healer ?
The uniqueness of Reiki masters, as opposed to other Masters, lies in the fact that they are not part of any ‘superior organisation’. They are their own Masters, and they are motivated by the desire to transmit Reiki in the world.
A Reiki Master is a healer who can channel energy directrly from the Ascended Masters, such as Sanada, Quan Yin, St Germaine and many more. The Reiki master will have instruction from the Ascended masters, which are many thousands, in their dreams. This is so their soul can help others on earth and in heaven. The Master healer will be called apon to heal recently departed souls and to help the Ascended Masters in their role with Ascension of mankind.
It is a great honour to become a master and to be chosen. If you are not meant to be a master then the Ascnded Masters would put life pressures in the way to prevent you. If it is meant to be it will be happen.
Letting go of logic
The Master attunement intensifies your karmic energy and helps you to release old promises and obligations that are no longer apparent. When a person becomes a master they are ‘reborn’ and change in the way they feel and their life’s purpose becomes more apparent. The master attunement changes a person so they become more focused and have direction in their life
Many people when they decide to become a Reiki master have had a life change or are going through one. Some feel it is time to find out who you really are and what will truly make you happy. Life is for living and even our bad experiences have made us into who we are today and that is why we love ourselves and proud of what we have become. The new master often will be a lot calmer, self-assured and less likely to get angry as they see things as happening for a reason and personal positive challenges rather than negative. Many masters make the vow to no longer take ‘second best’ and to stand up for what they believe and know in their heart to be right.
Reiki Master Guides will join the Reiki healer before their Master attunement often as soon as the person has stated their intention to do a Master course. Master guides will introduce themselves in either a dream or a meditation. The Master guide’s purpose is to prepare the person for Master status by accessing the maturity of the person by giving them tests. These tests are in ‘real’ life situations and also during dreams they will manifest lessons, these lessons are often to do with honesty, patience, respect for self and others with many more lessons. When the person has passed these lessons they are permitted to have their Master Reiki attunement.

If it is meant to be
then it will be.
Healing with the Ascended Masters
Course includes
Level Three - Reiki Master Qualification
Advance healer attuned to Reiki karmic symbol working with Ascended Masters.
Course includes:
· Student will receive a full colour illustrated Reiki Master Manual
· Understanding karma health issues and Reiki healing the past.
· Advanced chakra system.
· Meeting your Ascended Master and master healing guide.
. Responsibility of a Master healer.
. Space clearing and soul releasement.
· Channel and sense Ascended Master energies.
· Healing with different Ascended Master types.
· Working with Master symbols the traditional and modern.
· Attunement to Reiki Master level 3
· Awarded a Reiki Master Third Degree Certificate qualification.
· You will receive the lineage of Dr Usui Reiki.
· · All students will have on-going support and mentorship by me
Course Options
Option A – Home Study £150
Home study – students receive manual via email.
LIVE Attunement scheduled at a time convenient to student.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement
Video on explaining Reiki course format, including tips and
suggestions on your reiki journey.
Video healing demonstration on others.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
Option B – Virtual class (approx. 3hrs) £200
Virtual courses are live with tutor.
Manual emailed prior to course so student can prepare for class.
Qualification certificate emailed after attunement.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.
​ Option C – In person (approx. 3hrs) £300
Practical & theory in person
Hard Copy Manual.
Reiki Attunement in person.
Paper Qualification certificate.
Students receive lifetime tutor support.